Friday, 20 November 2015

One more species

Since the video camera has been recording movement on the peregrine nesting tray, it has recorded several species of bird.

The list to date is peregrine, starling, pigeon, grey wagtail, chaffinch, pied wagtail, black redstart, and now ....

.... a kestrel.
(OK, it's not the best view!)

Friday, 13 November 2015

Bella calling

Bella is still around, but I've not seen Christopher Robin for several weeks.

Maybe he is nearby, and Bella is calling to him?

Thursday, 5 November 2015

Bella on the nesting tray

The video camera hasn't seen any peregrine activity for a few weeks, so it was nice to see Bella had been resting on it the other day.

In fact, she was on the nesting tray for nearly 4 hours!

The tray needs servicing before too long with the gap between the planks closing up and some new gravel to get it ready for the 2016 breeding season.