Saturday, 24 April 2021

On the radio!

 I've been on the radio!

BBC Radio Gloucestershire got in touch for an interview, and I was happy to oblige.

You can hear it at HERE

Go to 45 minutes into the programme for my bit!

(It should remain available for a few weeks.)

You will hear from the programme that we now have three eggs.

Here is a photo of a changeover.

Hopefully, I'll be able to obtain some videos soon.

Friday, 9 April 2021


 Incubation is well under way.

Here is Bella looking after her four eggs.

Only about 3 weeks to go now...

Monday, 5 April 2021


 There are now four eggs being incubated!

This is more than in any previous year, and if all goes well, it's going to be very crowded on the nesting tray in a few weeks time.

Here is Bella leving the tray on Easter Day revealing what she has been sitting on.

The times and dates that each egg was laid are :-

Egg #1 = 12:40 on 26/3/21

Egg #2 = 22:30 on 28/3/21

Egg #3 = 06:30 on 31/3/21

Egg #4 = 01:00 on 4/4/21