Saturday, 21 May 2022

Two chicks!

 Of the 3 eggs, 2 chicks have hatched and are growing very fast!

Here they are at nearly 3 weeks old having a stretch.

Sunday, 1 May 2022

WiFi link

I’ve set up a temporary WiFi link so that it is possible to view the live camera video on your device. This is only available by standing in the Abbey Lawns next to the copper beech tree by the east end of the church.

Search for the WiFi signal called “falcons” and connect to it. The password is “peregrine” (with a lower case 'p')

Now launch an internet browser and enter “

This will bring up a log in page. Enter “guest” as the username and the password is “Peregrines”. (note capital 'P')

At the top of the screen, under “Embedded Net DVR”, there are the words “Camera 01” with a small black dot to the left of it. Select this black dot and the live video should appear.

 On devices with a tall screen, eg phones, the picture is stretched, and I can’t find a way to correct this.

I’ve tested it on an iPad and Android phones, and it seems to work if the apps are kept up to date. It may not work on older devices or those which have out of date apps.

This is only a temporary setup. Hopefully something better will be in place for 2023.

Please bear in mind that these are wild birds which catch and eat other birds. There may be scenes which some people find upsetting.