We have had a visit from a EASTERN BLACK REDSTART.
From birding expert Mike King (
Gloster Birder) :-
"This Black Redstart has been re-identified today as Eastern Black Redstart. EBR
is a subspecies of Black Redstart. Eastern Black Redstart is a long distance
migrant from its central Asian breeding grounds to wintering areas in central
India west to northeast Africa. This is the first record for
Notes for birders :-
- The best place to see it is apparently from the south/east side, either in the churchyard or the field between the Abbey and the River Swilgate.
- There are plenty of places to park nearby. Gander Lane car park is closest.
- The Abbey's "Touching Souls Tea Room" is open until 1.30pm for refreshments. There are various other places for refreshments in the immediate area.
Good Luck!