Saturday, 24 December 2016

Happy Christmas!

This is the view that Christopher Robin would have had on December 19th 2010. This was his first winter and was also the first time that prey remains were noticed on the tower roof. He was joined firstly by DX (aka Alice) and when she disappeared, by the unringed Bella. Lets hope that they can successfully breed in 2017. 

A Happy Christmas from Tewkesbury Abbey!

Friday, 16 December 2016

Another black redstart

We've also been visited by a female BLACK REDSTART,

This is another rare bird, but not a long distant visitor like its Eastern relative.

Thursday, 15 December 2016

A pair!

With all the attention surrounding the Eastern Black Redstart, there have been lots of people watching the tower recently.

This has confirmed that there are definitely two peregrines around which is a very good sign for the 2017 season.

The camera has also seen both birds together on the nesting tray :-

Fingers crossed!

Friday, 9 December 2016

Eastern Black Redstart

We have had a visit from a EASTERN BLACK REDSTART.

From birding expert Mike King (Gloster Birder) :-

"This Black Redstart has been re-identified today as Eastern Black Redstart. EBR is a subspecies of Black Redstart. Eastern Black Redstart is a long distance migrant from its central Asian breeding grounds to wintering areas in central India west to northeast Africa. This is the first record for Gloucestershire."

Notes for birders :-
- The best place to see it is apparently from the south/east side, either in the churchyard or the field between the Abbey and the River Swilgate.
- There are plenty of places to park nearby. Gander Lane car park is closest.
- The Abbey's "Touching Souls Tea Room" is open until 1.30pm for refreshments. There are various other places for refreshments in the immediate area.

Good Luck!